Thursday, December 4, 2008

Three months/four months post op

My breasts are now equally healed, and there is almost no indication that the left breast has had a month less recovery time:

Over the last 2 months I've been gradually resuming my full programme of upper-body weights at the gym, without any problems until I started the pectoral exercises a couple of weeks ago. Since then I've had quite a few sharp twinges in my left breast (previously known as Bad Boob), so I presume it's scar tissue being stretched and adhesions broken up. The twinges haven't been as bad for a few days, so I'm presuming it's been beneficial rather than damaging.

I'm just starting to feel pleased with the result of all the surgery and setbacks and recovery, at least when I'm clothed. I wear T-shirts without a second thought, and I've had several favourite blouses taken in so that they don't look ridiculously baggy around the chest. I'm not yet comfortable about the naked appearance of my breasts though. The nipples are still pointing in different directions (not just left/right, but up/down as well), so I guess that's the way they're going to stay. It's less noticeable in a bra, and even less with clothes on, but I feel rather self-conscious about it.


Angie said...

I found your blog today and find it very helpful to understand what could happen as I start to research and consider this option. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Breast Reduction Sydney said...

This is a great blog for many women out there that want to know exactly what to expect from breast reduction.