Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two months/three months

For those arriving at this page for the first time, I should briefly explain that my breasts are at different stages of recovery, with the left one being now 2 months post-op, and the right breast 3 months.

I have been surprised and pleased to see how quickly Bad Boob has recovered since the second operation, and to be honest, they look about the same to me, in terms of healing:

I saw the surgeon again last week, and he doesn't need me to go back for review for another six months! Now that is progress, when for most of August I was having to go in to the city twice a week to see him.
The more I think about that dreadful month with the haematoma, the more I wonder if I should have had the second surgery much sooner. I think it affected me a lot more than I realised, in terms of physical and psychological damage, and I doubt whether my decision-making abilities were up to much. I was just so scared of having more surgery, especially as it involved opening up most of the original wound, and I think I probably let that fear override a more rational approach, which would surely have been to get rid of that huge collection of blood as quickly as possible!
I'm so very glad that it didn't develop into an infection, but being on such high doses of antibiotics for almost a month cannot have been good for my system.

Anyway, I've been looking back over that awful time, and wondering if the end result was worth it. I'm only just starting to think it was, and I think it will be a while yet before I am genuinely glad I went ahead with the reduction. Oh I'm completely sure that I will be glad, but I'm just not there yet. Maybe by the next time I post. :-)